New🇳🇱 Amsterdam will soon be available on the Platform. Reserve capacity


New features and updates to
Usage Filters

Filter Server and Project Usage by date

August 9, 2021

You now have the ability to select a start and end date to filter Servers and Project Usage, allowing for a better understanding of your usage.

Check out the documentation to understand how Bandwidth Usage is calculated.

Deploy new server

Deploy new servers

July 25, 2021

You can now deploy servers for your team from the v2 API and dashboard.

API - Token Last Used

See when an API Token was last used

July 19, 2021

You can now see when an API token has been last used by going to Team Settings → API Keys.

Bandwidth Pooling now available for servers in the same region and project

July 15, 2021

We are excited to announce that for customers in the new experience, bandwidth for servers in the same region and project are now automatically pooled.

That means you no longer have to monitor your bandwidth consumption for each server individually, and can now share unused bandwidth between servers that are located in the same region and project.

New additional bandwidth pricing

July 15, 2021

Instead of buying pre-defined additional bandwidth packages, you can now add more bandwidth to your projects in increments of 10TB, reducing costs by up to 50%.

The new pricing is available at the Network pricing page →