Containers run better on Bare Metal
Save money, improve performance, and cut your server footprint by more than half.
No VMs necessary
Container-to-container noisy neighbor effect is real and difficult to debug, not to mention the overhead.
Greater compute and I/O
Individual containers deliver up to 30% greater compute and I/O performance in a bare-metal environment.
Better resource utilization
VM-based container environments resource utilization may be as low as 15% in contrast to 90% for bare-metal stacks.
Make bare metal the home of your containers
Reduce infrastructure
- Reduce hardware requirements by 50%
- Reduce TCO by 70%
- Reduce operational costs
- Eliminate noisy neighbors
Increase performance
- Increase density
- Increase I/O and CPU performance by 30%
- Increase resource utilization by up to 75%
- Increase IT velocity