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New features and updates to

CentOS 8 now generally available

December 17, 2020

The newest version of CentOS is now generally available. This Operating System can be deployed to any server in all regions.

Go to the dashboard →

Ubuntu 20.04 now available

September 8, 2020

The newest version o Ubuntu is now available on the platform for all servers and regions.

Deploy with Ubuntu 20.04 →

Bandwidth comparison chart

Calculate your bandwidth costs with different cloud providers 🤑

July 2, 2020

It's not uncommon to run a couple of workloads on a traditional cloud provider only to get a massive invoice at the end of the month. It is frustrating to find out after you get locked in with them that you will be paying a lot more than anticipated.

One of the most impactful costs in your cloud bill is egress bandwidth — or how much traffic went out of your servers and into the internet — so we built an interactive chart to help you better calculate your bandwidth costs with different vendors.

View the bandwidth comparison chart →

Cloud-init on steroids! Extend your custom scripts with variables 👩🏾‍💻

June 22, 2020

Custom scripts help you run arbitrary commands on your server on its very first boot. With variables, you can extend these commands to use data that is not yet available when a deployment is requested.

For instance, you could write a custom script to send the hostname, IP and password of your recently deployed server to a Slack channel, or add it to your Ansible inventory, or both!

Custom scripts variables are incredibly helpful to make initial changes to your servers or making sure they check-in to your infrastructure automatically.

Available variables and an example of how it can be used can be found on the Help Center →