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New features and updates to

Simplifying day-to-day operations with a new design 🎨

January 14, 2019

Today we're launching a new design for Maxihost. A project that re-built a large part of the codebase in an effort to simplify the day-to-day management of your servers.

The new design not only updates colors but also allows for a better experience with changes to navigation and content placement.

Here are the most important changes:

  • 20% speed improvement across the board

  • Cleaner and lighter layout

  • Navigation changed to the side, allow for more options to be shown

  • Submenu IP Addresses has been moved to its own menu and is now called Networking

Pagination update - limit=0

December 26, 2018

Toggle pagination off with limit=0 query string

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Use your SSH Keys when reinstalling your servers 🔑

November 25, 2018

Just like when creating a new server, now on the Reinstall page you can use your SSH keys. Learn how SSH works or see how you can add your keys.

Announcing the Maxihost API

November 21, 2018

The API gives you everything that you need to integrate your applications with Maxihost.

With it, you can deploy servers, check your bandwidth usage, manage your account, and more, all via code. Read the announcement or get started now.