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New features and updates to Cloud Gateway

Announcing Cloud Gateway

August 21, 2023

We are excited to open early access to Cloud Gateway, a product to help you reduce your cloud bill by an average of 60%.

With Cloud Gateway, you can connect your instances to AWS, GCP, or Azure through fast, private Layer 2 connectivity.

Cloud Gateway enables you to programmatically extend your Cloud VPC to compute platform. With a few clicks or API calls, your private IPs are attached to instances, improving security and performance while reducing costs to a fraction.

  • Layer 2 to major clouds: Reach your cloud resources privately, without exposing them to the public internet.

  • Reduce costs: Move servers to and reduce compute and bandwidth costs by 60%*.

  • Fast, consistent performance: One hop away from major clouds guarantees low latency and consistent performance.

  • Connect programmatically: Easily connect your AWS, GCP and Azure VPCs to through APIs.

Sign up for early access →

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