New🇳🇱 Amsterdam will soon be available on the Platform. Reserve capacity


New features and updates to

Improvements and fixes

February 10, 2023
  • Terraform Provider: Shipped version 0.2.1 with support for deploying servers with SSH and user data and fixed an issue that prevented project settings from being updated.

  • Updated API URL: The default API URL is now The old URL will continue working indefinitely.

  • Go client library: Released version 0.1.3.

  • Dashboard: Improved several aspects of the dashboard to provide better interactions with dropdowns, selects, and more.

  • API: Added the ipmi_status to GET /servers responses to retrieve the health status of a server's IPMI connection.

  • User permissions: Collaborators can now update the deploy config of a server.

  • Bandwidth alerts: Improved notifications for bandwidth alerts to avoid sending too many emails.

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