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New features and updates to
UI Update

A refreshing update to the dashboard

May 13, 2024

Today, we are releasing a powerful update to the dashboard. As we continue adding more features and products, many of you have suggested that the navigation could be improved.

Here's what's changing:

Sidebar updates
  • Search has moved to the sidebar and is now powered by the Command Menu

  • The quick create button is now more easily accessible. Quickly create resources, add team members, and create new projects in one click

  • More importantly, everything related to your team has been moved to the bottom of the sidebar. This allows for both contexts — teams and projects — to be completely separated while still saving you multiple clicks

Project selection
  • Project selection has been moved to the top of the content section, called breadcrumb. When changing projects, you are now kept on the same page

  • No more wondering about which project you are creating that new server for. The breadcrumb is persistent across all pages

There are many other quality-of-life updates on the dashboard. See if for yourself

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